It’s Christmas Time!

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Hey there Peanut –

Wanted to write you Monday, but alas, it’s already Wednesday. (I had my last class for the semester last night, so I have been swamped with grading and such. ) It’s CHRISTMAS TIME at the TATEMANN’s!!

Sunday, we went together to get our tree from the local boy scout troups. Daddy picked out a very big one!! It’s very pretty! And our neighbor Collin down the street (a 10 year old) was the boy scout who took VERY good care of us! We haven’t decorated it yet, but because of it’s size and wonderful smell, it already makes our house look like Christmas! (I was imagining getting a Charlie Brown tree this year for simplicity’s sake, but maybe next year.)


THEN Monday morning we kept you home from daycare to decorate Christmas cookies!!

You were so intrigued by the consistency of the frosting! And boy did you make a mess! Thank you for helping us make these cookies for so many people we care about! You are wonderful!
cookies with mom
dad cookies

Can’t wait to put the lights on the tree! When you and I go for walks in the neighborhood, you become entranced by the Christmas lights on everyone’s house! It’s spectacular to watch you!

We’re headed to the doctors for your 9-month visit today. It was supposed to be Friday so Daddy could come, but you weren’t feeling very well yesterday and you keep pulling on your ears, so we want to make sure you don’t have an infection…

Love you!

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