9 month appointment

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Tomorrow you will officially be 9 months old! Wow! What a big girl!

We changed your doctor’s appointment to yesterday though, because we feared you might have an ear infection. All was well however – just a drippy nose. She said your ear drums looked great, and your chest sounded great! Good news.

The nurse practitioner also said that you were RIGHT ON TRACK as far as growing goes…still in the 50% for weight and head circumference and 90% for length. You have hit the developmental milestones for your age such as saying mamamamama and dadadadada, crawling or scooting (you still do both), standing and taking little steps, and you even pull yourself up (which is ahead of the curve!) No teeth yet, but she isn’t worried. You are breastfeeding first thing in the morning and last thing at night, with formula, baby food and table food in between. You are doing JUST GREAT! Here are the numbers:
Weight: 18lb 8oz (up 2lb, 4oz from 6 mnths)
Head: 17.25
Length: 29 in (up 2in from 6mnths)
9 month dr

What a cutie! You rock my world little one!
We love you!

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