Happy New Year Little One!

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Happy New Year, Peanut!

Happy 2006! What adventures do you think God has in store for us this year? How do you think He will use us to love his world? Let’s be ready – willing and available, yes?

Last night we all went over to the Ball’s for New Year’s Eve. You went to sleep in a pack-n-play in Riley’s room, but woke up periodically (probably b/c the grown-ups were making too much noise). Anyway, you were awake at 10:47pm! You almost welcomed in the new year at midnight with us! As your Daddy and I look back over 2005, I think it is very safe to say that your arrival and your presence in our lives was BY FAR the BIGGEST blessing of the year! I realize it is a bit cliche’, but we really can’t imagine life before you – and we don’t even want to try.

Thanks for bringing such joy to our lives and to the world! I love you Sweetness!

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