Happy Birthday once again

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10 months old today! Happy Birthday Peanut!
20 mnth 2

(Grandma L sent you a Happy Birthday email today… I put it in your calendar.)

Last week 2 teeth in the bottom middle of your little mouth popped through the gums! You’re standing by yourself for long periods of time. You’re crawling like there’s no tomorrow. You love to walk holding on to some big person’s fingers. You pull yourself up to standing so many times a day to see and play with things. You dance when you hear music! And you giggle when you watch me dance.
first 2 teeth

first sign of teeth – nice work!

You are such a joy, Sweet Pea.

I’m sorry you have a cold. You and I are sharing the same running nose and tiredness, and you have an awful-sounding cough. I hope you rest well today, so you are ready to play with your friends in the morning. You haven’t seen the daycare crew for over 4 days… I’m sure they miss you! If you’re not feeling well, we’ll go and meet our new doctor tomorrw. I hear she is very nice!

Daddy & I are trying to teach you some sign language, as people say you can learn to talk with your hands before you can learn many verbal words. So far we have been working on Dadda, Momma, dog, bear, light, fan, ball, eat, more, and all done. We haven’t seen you make any clear signs yet, but it could be any day…

10 mnth 3

Grandma T made this sweet jumper for you. You look beautiful!

I love you, Sweetness,

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