another special day

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Move-in day… You and I moved into Willowbend with Uncle Jim today. We have been spending almost every day with him (and sometimes Daniel and Madeline) since last Spring. You have a beautiful, new room at Willowbend that now has all of your favorite toys and books. We have new neighbors that we are beginning to know. Our very next-door neighbor has a 4 and a 2 year old little girls as well as a 7 year old little boy. We will be good friends, I can tell. We will miss our old home and our neighbors, but this change is going to be very good for us.

Uncle Jim loves you so very, very much. He loves to tell me stories about the funny things you say, the sweet things you do, and the joy you bring to all around you. And Uncle Jim and I love each other very much. Last April, April 5th to be exact, we decided we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. Because we are so much older and have been seriously involved with a number of others, we have a very deep understanding about the kind of relationship we want, the things that we value most, how we want to interact with each other and the world, how we want to parent our kids, and what role we want God to play in our lives. Uncle Jim and I share all of these values and priorities. We respect one another and learn so much from one another. We love to be with one another for all the right reasons – because we have fun together, because we support one another, because we challenge each other to grow, because we help each other be the person God created us to be.

Following our tradition, Aunti Judi brought over a move-in picnic to celebrate. She asked you where you would like to have it, and true to form, you said “OUTSIDE!!” We sat on the front lawn and had a LOVELY picnic of champagne and special juice as well as Dinosaur BBQ. Then you gave Auntie Judi a tour, and we built your new puzzle together. You did a GREAT job on such a grown-up puzzle! Then Auntie Judi gave you a bath.
judi picnic

judi puzzle

judi bath

What a VERY SPECIAL day! Thanks, God, for blessing us so richly!