happy halloween PRINCESS

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What would you like to dress up as for Halloween, Peanut?

A Princess!

Are you sure? Maybe a lion instead? A penguin?

No! I want to be a princess.

And a princess you were – the most wonderful princess of all!

Daddy and I took you trick-or-treating tonight with your dear friend Marlie after a quick pizza dinner together. You were SO excited to put on your BEAUTIFUL dress complete with tiara, earrings, boa and a light-up wand!! WOW!!! Talk about pretty in pink!

You were so excited. You and Marlie chased ahead of one another and yelled “Line Leader!” (This must be a day care role that everyone covets.) You yelled “Trick-or-treating!!!” and “Happy Halloween!!” at the doors and seemed to be able to talk EVERYONE into a second piece of candy.

Here are some pictures of our wonderful night!


A highlight was DEFINITELY bumping into HANNAH and family!!
tt hannah

mommy susan


tt daddy





Peanut, you are SUCH A JOY to be with! Thank you for being so wonderfully you!