a wonderful day together

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Hey Baby Girl –

We just had the most wonderful day together!! Because it’s late, I’m going to post the pictures now, and write to you about it tomorrow.

Thanks for such an incredible day!

It started out with swinging in the backyard in our jammies!! Now, how could a day go wrong with such a wonderful start?!?

Then breakfast in the 3-season room:


Then some flower picking and arranging:
flower arranging

A totally fun puzzle building experience – You are SO GREAT at puzzles!!
our puzzle

Then we made lunch together – some grilled cheese and tomato soup – yum!

After a failed attempt at a nap, you engaged in a little dress-up time. This is actually my new skirt transformed into a princess dress!!

dress 2
dress 3
dress 4

We then ventured out to the “Useum” with your Daddy. Check out your outfit – totally “Sarah Ella” (from the book we read at night called “Sarah Ella Gets Dressed” – a classic for sure!) Clearly, you can take full credit for the stunning ensemble. 😉 I wouldn’t want it ANY other way!
useum 1
useum 2
useum 3
useum 4
useum 5
useum 6

After dinner at Friendly’s (your request)…

… your Daddy went to work and you and I took a dip in the hot tub.

COMPLETELY out of the blue, you and all of a sudden you yelled, “An Airplane!!!!!”

10 seconds or so later you yelled at the top of your lungs in the direction of that airplane, “I LOVE YOU DADDY JIM!!!!”

Daddy Jim left yesterday for a conference in CA – You knew he was going to be on a big airplane and not coming home for a bit… It was very sweet.

Clearly, we had a wonderful day!! Tomorrow you will spend the morning at Cobblestone School – a trial run for preschool next year. It is the school where Madeline and Daniel go and one of the top candidates for your elementary education. You’ve spent some time there, and so far, you love it. We’ll see how tomorrow goes… All in God’s hands, right?

Love you Peanut Butter – *Mommi