Happy First

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Today is your FIRST birthday~

The whole day has made me reflective and grateful. Life has changed so drastically for your Daddy and me since you arrived – all for the better! You have brought such joy to us!!

Birthday Girl

We are grateful, too, for all those who have loved you to pieces and helped us raise you this past year. We couldn’t have done it without people like your grandparents, aunts & uncles, Aunt Judi & Uncle Jim, Tracy and crew, Nanny Sheri, Kristin, Missy and Orlene, Ellen, the Ball family, Mort & Diane, Nancy and family, Jeff and family, Chris and Kristine, and the list goes on and on. We are so blessed!

dr visit

I hope you are having a WONDERFUL birthday Peanut Butter. You have totally captured our hearts!!

We love you forever,
*Mommy and Daddy

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