Daddy Jim’s new “bow”

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You know Daddy Jim is away at a conference in CA – His friend and student, Dave, sent this email and picture:

“Maya, Daddy Jim looks so nice in the bow you picked out for him!”

daddy jim in ca

“He’s so handsome!!” (you say this about Daddy Jim often. I agree.)

You DID choose this “bow” for him (as you call it) completely out of the blue. Daddy Jim feels very loved – he told me so!! Thanks for spreading your joy to so many, Peanut Butter! Now to the many in California who get to hear the story!!

Couldn’t love you more…

Oh – another cute story. Today you said “Mommi – I was just thinking something happy in my head.” “Yes Sweetie? What was it?”
“I saw two people kissing. And two people smiling at each other. They were getting married. It was you.” “Oh yeah?” “Yes, Mommi. You and Daddy Jim.”