the night before….

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…YOUR TRIP WITH DADDY, GRANDMA & PAPA (you’ve been gone just under 4 hours, and I miss you already.)

First – a princess hair cut at a real salon – Hair Cut #2 in your life thus far. Clearly you were not on board (I so love you!!)

2nd haircut1

What a face!

2nd haircut2

Nice fake smile – at least its over!!

2nd haircut3

Daddy – we were wondering if this picture brought back memories:
daddy’s old apt

After seeing a case full of jewelry, you exclaimed, “I can’t believe my eyes!!!” (Where in the world do you learn these phrases?) – We both loved this picture!


Then we bumped into your old babysitter! Hi Genna!!

After shopping and dinner, a quick trip back to our old favorite, Park Avenue Abbott’s! 🙂

Meets your approval!


“I am an ice cream MONSTER!!”
ice cream monster

Finally a man started playing his accordion – it was WONDERFUL! You asked how it worked and I gave the explanation my best shot – including the pulling of the accordion to be like our inhale (and I demonstrated) and the pushing to be like our exhale (again, with demo).
You watched him so intently and made pretty loud inhale and exhale noises to match the movement of the instrument!! You are so fun to hang with!!