Happy 13 month b-day!

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Hey Beautiful!

What a day – your birthday AND EASTER!! You and I started the day by going for a jog with the jogging stroller. We’ve done that the past three days – oh, I am so grateful for Spring!!

We went to church with Jimmiqua, and the Gospel Choir sang. You and I joined in on a couple of songs. When we came home, you engaged in your first egg hunt around the house. You giggled and giggled. After lunch, you took a 3 hour nap!! I had to wake you up at 4pm… I think you were pooped out from all the fresh air and sunshine you’ve been getting these past couple of weeks. You, Daddy & I walked to get you some milk, came home and played in the yard. You had your second egg hunt there. How fun.

After dinner, you took a bath and we went for another long walk in the neighborhood. Daddy brought the dogs along. You had your bottle on the porch, and I brought you upstairs at 7pm like I always do. I didn’t know if you would fall asleep right away because of your long nap, but you didn’t make a peep – fell right to sleep.

Esater bag
Easter chick

Oh, Peanut, you bring so much joy to our lives. Your Daddy and I giggle and smile SO MUCH MORE in the course of our normal day all because of you!! You slow us down on walks and point out flowers, rocks, grass, dirt, sticks, worms… You wave to everyone, undiscriminatorily – you don’t judge people the way adults sometimes do. You certainly have your own set of ambitions and drives, and I love that!

Oh, yesterday you ate cereal with milk out of a bowl with a spoon! You brough a number of spoonfuls ALL the way to your mouth. It was so much fun! We had rice chex and bananas together.

I love you Sweetness. You are my little Peanut Butter and will always be…


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