May Day

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Tonight we made Grandma’s big pancakes. We learned a few lessons about pan size and patience, but overall it was a success!!! Here are a couple of pictures to document the event (as well as the 5-tooth smile!) It can be like a Where’s Waldo adventure…. When you look at Miss Maya’s face, can you find the chocolate? The strawberries? The whip cream? The apples?

13 mnths 1

Oh, Beautiful! You are such a JOY!!! Your giggle makes everyone giggle!! Spring is here, and you are LOVIN’ it! We spend every possible minute outside. The flowers make you giggle out loud. I lift you up so your head is in the middle of Magnolia Tree branches in bloom and you look amazed, with the biggest smile! You’re walking like a pro these days… almost running. When we go for walks, you stop and make a 180 degree turn, walking in the opposite direction. You peek over your shoulder to see if Daddy and I will chase you and grab you, and again, you giggle!

13 mnths 2

You and I have been running together lately. You wake up in the morning and start your day with a little OJ. Then you jump in the jogging stroller with your purple blanket, and off we go! It’s a great way to start the morning!

13 mnths 3

Today at daycare you and Marlie (your best friend who looks quite a bit like you) were kissing and hugging each other! The teachers thought you were both so sweet.

So far your words are “I” (for hi!), ‘Momma,” and “Duck” (which sometimes sounds the same as “Dog”). I can’t wait until you can tell me about your day, tell me what your favorite food is, make up a story or joke, say “I love you.”

We just heard some sad news about Aunt Judi. She is fighting colon cancer. This summer might be a bit rough for her. She came over last Thursday and Friday nights to talk with us, and you showered her with wonderful Maya-lovin’! Thank you!! You gave her kisses and snuggles and giggles. You are God’s sweet Angel.
mommy and maya

I love you Peanut Butter.

Sleep well!

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