A whole month has passed

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Where does the time go, Little One?

Grandma checks your blog at least every week, and I haven’t added to it in such a long time!!

big pancakes

Great Grandma Luehmann’s “Big Pancakes”

Here are some highlights of your latest adventures:

We just got back from your Trip #8: a 6-day first class trip to Redmond WA to hang out with your Auntie Amy, Uncle Hakon and Cousin Elisabeth
Today you copied me and put on a little make-up for the first time… Hehehe
You are taller than my night stand – you can actually look at what is on it! When did that happen?!?!
You have the most amazing 8-tooth grin! It warms a room!!
You are still best friends with Marlie at day care.
You are a great eater – Tonight you ate peas, blueberries, pastas, cheese, and homemade molasses bars
You now know where the molasses bars are kept – you walk over to the corner of the kitchen, point to the pan and let us know that you would like one!
On Mother’s Day we went down to Aunt Judi’s hometown and spent the day with all of her family! You had your first hit in wiffleball! What fun!!
You are walking and running and falling and climbing and giggling non-stop
Last night you came home from daycare very sad. I think another tooth or two were making their way into your mouth. You hurt quite a bit. But you woke up this morning in fabulous spirits!!
Your Dadday started his job 3 days ago. He is officially a nurse!
We started making Great Grandma Luehmann’s Big Pancakes (crepes). They have become a family favorite!
Grandma and Grandpa Tatro came to visit May 21 for Daddy’s graduation. My camera was broken, so we’ll need to get some pictures from Grandma T.

happy girl2

I have been running in the morning before you wake up. Monday, when I came back from running, I started stretching on the front porch. I heard a thud, and turned around quickly to see you with both hands pressed up against the door along with your little nose and the biggest smile ever! My heart totally melted! What a fabulous way to start the day!

That’s enough for now.

I love you to pieces, Peanut – More and more and more and more every day. Is that even possible?

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