treasuring you…

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“I’m four (holding up four fingers). But I’m about to get five.”
When someone asks you how old you are, this is your standard response.

Four is SUCH a fantastic age! You melt my heart at the most random times. You are unbelievably sincere, crazy passionate, super energetic and wonderfully tender. I can’t possibly predict how, but you surprise me in some wonderful way every time I get to spend some focused time with you- like every night at bedtime. Tonight, after books, you stand up quickly and announce “Tonight I’m going to say my bless-you’s this way” and you walked over and knelt next to your bed and started your prayers, “Dear God, Thank you for Mommi, Daddy Jim… ” ending with “and the whole wide world.” I asked about a sick friend of ours, and you said matter-of-factly, “I did. She is part of my whole world.”

We had the sweetest rocking time, and after having our normal whisper conversation about random things, you fell sound asleep on my lap. That hasn’t happened a while… I continued to rock for a very long time… treasuring the moment, treasuring you.

I so love you Peanut Butter!!

I took this picture of you sleeping on my lap tonight… at the end of our day. I love spending my days with you.