A day at the market

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This morning we picked up Jimmiqua at 9am and headed to the Public Market. It was cold and windy, but it was still fun to the be there. And we were certainly not alone – the place was packed. We started by visiting our friends’ bakery, JonJohn’s. Out of friendship and love (as well as love for sweets), we bought 3 chocolate dipped peanut butter cookies.
daddy market
the market

I think we ended up bumping into over 5 people from church, all of whom first recognized YOU! And, Joe, one guy from church introduced you to a number of other people as the Famous Gospel Choir Baby.

Here are some things we bought:
bag of onions – $1.25
green beans – $1
grapes (for you – you picked them out) – $2
rhubarb – $1
nectarines – $2
blueberries – $3

When we came home, we had some hot chocolate and then got to work at making a homemade rhubarb pie – We made it from SCRATCH! All 4 of us! It was so much fun, and it turned out GREAT! We have a fabulous pie now, all for what Daddy reminded us cost $1!! Nice!!
jmmiqua maya

We got to talk with Grandma & Grandpa Luehmann briefly a couple times. We’ll get to see Grandma Luehmann next weekend in New Jersey at Aunt Rena’s opening. Can’t wait!

You’re taking a nap now. I might join you. 🙂 I love you to pieces!!

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