“But Mama….”

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So here is a funny story –

2 nights ago, Daddy Jim and I awoke at 3:30am in a painfully startling manner – to a BAT flying around our bedroom!!!! Sigh. I now know MUCH more about how harmless (in general) bats can be, what a VERY IMPORTANT thing it is to CATCH and save a bat you find flying around your bedroom, and what the county regulations are for getting vaccinated after such an event (i.e. Daddy Jim and I have to, but you, Madeline, Daniel and Grandma Judy are THANKFULLY off the hook).


Anyway, we are guessing our little friend joined us by way of the open chimney. The person we will pay $900 to secure our home from future adventures can’t come to our house until Saturday, so until then, we need plan B. After you went to bed last night, we moved the couch in front of the fireplace and lined the whole opening with blankets…. Our living room looks quite a bit different – a bit messy and in disarray…

When you woke up this morning, you groggily walked down the stairs… I scooped you up like i always do, and you nuzzled your little head into my neck. (I have the AMAZING gift of getting to snuggle with you almost EVERY day!! A gift I never forget to totally treasure.) I walk with you over to the newly-placed couch and sit down. You slowly pick up your head and look around – trying to figure out what happend to our living room… after a good 30+ seconds, you look at me most sincerely and say…

“But Mama, how will Santa get in?”