Double ear infection, 15 mnth appt and 1st Swim Lesson

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Wow, have we had a busy week!

First last Wednesday you came home from daycare with a temperature of 102.1. We took you straight to the doctor, and your temp had gone up to 102.5. Both of your little ears were infected. The doctor gave us a prescription for amoxicillin. You were feeling better within a couple days.

Even the next day you played quite a bit. The fun part was that I got to hang out with you all morning, and Daddy came home from work to hand out with us in the afternoon. Bonus family time! At the end of the day, we took a walk to East Ave to your daycare’s ice cream social. We didn’t stay long, but it was fun to have a slice of pizza on a picnic blanket with your friend Marlie. You may not have been feeling your best, but you still looked beautiful:
ice cream social

Today was your 15 month well visit (doctor’s appointment). You are doing great! Stats for the day:
Head diameter – 18 in
Height – 32 in (88%)
Weight – 22lb 13 oz (47%)
22 lb 13 oz

22 lb 13 oz of Sweetness and Spunk!

15 mnth

15 months already

Once we came home we were off to the YMCA for your first swim lesson. At first we wondered if we were in the right place. You were the youngest kid there it seemed. And you looked a bit overwhelmed.
taking it all in

Taking it all in… What have they gotten me into this time?!?

But soon they separated the kids into the wee ones and the not-so-wee ones, and we saw one or two other kids about your age. We sang songs, chased bubbles, jumped in from the side, and had circle time. We all had a BALL!!! My cheeks hurt from smiling so much! And when class was over, you did not want to get out! Your teacher, Linda, was very impressed with how brave you were. We can’t wait until our next class on Thursday!

Peanut, life is SO much fun with you!

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